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台灣美食與文化在海外是如何被詮釋?8/22 活動講座:台灣文化出國去 Timelines: 全部, 飲食活動

好奇台灣美食與文化在海外是如何被詮釋的嗎?那就來參加我們 8 月 22 號的全英文講座「台灣文化出國去」,聽聽兩位旅遊和行銷專家,Matt Gross 和 Yalun Ho 聊一聊國際市場是如何看待台灣文化。

Matt Gross 是美國紐約時報記者,曾為美國多家媒體撰寫過台灣美食與文化;Yalun Ho 是一位觀光行銷顧問,曾協助觀光局和長榮航空洛杉磯分公司的海外行銷。加入我們一起吃吃喝喝聊聊天!

Tricky Talks: Taiwan Culture Goes Global/台灣文化出國去

活動時間:2018-08-22 (三) 18:30~21:30


Matt Gross — Travel Writer & Journalist

Matt is an NYC-based food and travel journalist who has written stories about Taiwan food and travel for the New York Times, Bloomberg and Bon Appetit. You may have seen his most recent article about NYC’s Taiwanese food boom for TASTE that’s currently making the rounds. Matt’s also a digital content and publishing expert, having worked as the online editor of and Runner’s World. You can follow him on Instagram @worldmatt (He takes seriously mouth-watering photos.)

首先第一位嘉賓,邀請到 Bloomberg 商業周刊、紐約時報、美食權威雜誌 Bon Appétit Magazine 的美食及旅遊作家 Matt Gross (你或許有讀過他近期在 TASTE上關於台灣美食在紐約快速崛起的文章)。Matt 同時也是一個數位內容以及數位行銷的專家,曾在  Runner’s World 擔任編輯。而他的 Instagram 帳號 @worldmatt,則是充滿了令人垂涎三尺的美食圖片。

Yalun Ho — Tourism & Destination Marketing Consultant

Yalun is an Account Director with Myriad Travel Marketing. Previously based in LA and now working with their Taipei office, she has over a decade of tourism industry experience helping cities and regions tell unique stories with the goal to attract new tourists. Her projects with the Taiwan Tourism Bureau and EVA Air give her unique insight into how Taiwan can strengthen its brand and stand out as a top destination in Asia. She’s also worked on tourism campaigns for Barcelona Tourism Board, Catalonia Tourism Board, the British Virgin Islands Tourist Board and Tourism Fiji.

雅倫有著十多年的觀光行銷經驗,協助國內外不同的城市或區域,講述獨特的故事來吸引遊客。她從執行臺灣觀光局和長榮航空的專案經驗中,對於如何在競爭激烈的亞洲市場中脫穎而出,有著獨特的見解。她的專業經歷包含巴塞隆那旅遊局、西班牙加泰隆尼雅旅遊局、英屬維京群島觀光局、以及斐濟觀光局等。她目前服務於 Myriad Travel Marketing

Didi Bethurum — Former Global Marketing Director, Gogoro

Didi Bethurum has 16 years of digital marketing experience at Fortune 100s, media agencies and startups. She has overseen the global marketing team at Gogoro, launched Windows, Office and MSN channels at Microsoft, and worked with top WPP agencies in NYC. She is active in the global marketing community, teaching digital marketing workshops through General Assembly and speaking at events such as SXSW and Harvard Business School’s Dynamic Women in Business. Didi currently resides in Taipei.

Didi 協助財富百大企業、數位媒體、和新創公司執行數位行銷已經有 16 年的經驗。在 Microsoft 發佈 Windows、Office、和 MSN;在紐約 WPP 集團下媒體公關公司;到最近 Gogoro 成功的在全球打響名聲,建立品牌,Didi 都功不可沒。Didi 也將她豐富的經驗,藉由 General Assembly 的工作坊,以及哈佛商業學院 (Harvard Business School) 「Dynamic Women in Business」講座,與大家分享。Didi 目前常駐在台灣。

Kathy Cheng — Writer, Tricky Taipei

Kathy Cheng is a design consultant and writer. After 7 years working at design agencies VSA Partners in Chicago and Smart Design in New York, she moved back to Taipei in 2014. Here she writes the culture and design blog Tricky Taipei, runs the online gift platform, Thankful Registry, and works as a communications consultant with Taiwanese companies looking to reach global audiences.

Kathy 的背景是一個設計顧問與寫作者。服務於美國芝加哥 VSA Partners 和紐約 Smart Design 兩家著名設計公司7年後,Kathy 於 2014 年搬回台北。她目前除了在 Tricky Taipei 分享她對文化與設計的看法外,同時也管理網絡電商平台,Thankful Registry。 作為一個溝通顧問,她最近開始協助想要與全球市場溝通的台灣企業。

What’s Tricky Talks?

Tricky Talks is an English-language event series that brings the great online discussions that happen on Tricky Taipei into real life with the goal to spark interesting conversations between creative, globally-minded professionals in our city.

Tricky Talks 是一個全英文講座系列,將 Tricky Taipei 上由國內外讀者組成的社群實體化,讓有趣的人,討論有意思的話題,進而創造有意義的改變。

Tricky Talks: Taiwan Culture Goes Global / 台灣文化出國去

18:30 – Doors Open (grab a beer, wine and some food)
19:00 – Panel Discussion (in English)
Early Purchase: 600NT
Regular: 750NT


資料來源:Tricky Taipei

Taster 美食加

即時頭條、流行趨勢、娛樂情報、消費指南、專家觀點;Taster 是你最關心的美食資訊提供者。