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噶瑪蘭威士忌首席釀酒師 Ian Chang,分享全球品牌行銷經營 Timelines: 全部, 飲食活動

Tricky Talks 在 12 月 11 號,將請到有著全台灣最棒和最忙碌職位的噶瑪蘭威士忌首席釀酒師既產品研發主管 Ian Chang 舉辦講座,他將和大家分享釀造威士忌的經驗、台灣出身的噶瑪蘭如何在全球宣傳,以及噶瑪蘭如何在競爭激烈的烈酒市場中,從一個不具優勢的牌子,一躍成為市場領導者之一。

這次講座的主持人,除了大家熟悉的 Kathy Cheng 外,Tricky Talks 還邀請到紐約時報的 Chris Horton 一起來為大家挖掘出更多有趣的故事。在講座結束後的交流時間,也同時邀請到 Irene Chen,做為音樂表演的嘉賓。活動全程將採全英文方式進行。


Ian Chang — Kavalan Master Blender / Head of R&D

Ian has arguably one of the best jobs in Taiwan. Since 2005, he’s helped establish Kavalan as one of Taiwan’s most recognizable and acclaimed brands. A seasoned judge for the World Whiskies Awards (WWA) and International Wine and Spirits Competition (IWSC), Ian has been awarded the WWA’s 2015 Whisky Distillery Manager and Master Distiller of the Year, as well as the Icons of Whisky’s 2017 World Whisky Brand Ambassador of the Year. At Kavalan, Ian is responsible for R&D, blending and quality control, as well as leading Kavalan’s global business development and brand ambassador teams. We’re very excited to hear him share his perspectives about making whisky, how Kavalan promotes its Taiwanese roots around the world, and the secrets to establishing a premium brand out of Taiwan.

Chris Horton — Journalist & Contributor to the The New York Times

Chris has been based in Taipei since 2015 and is a regular contributor to The New York Times. He reports on breaking news, politics, business and sports, in doing so drawing global attention to issues that affect life and society here in Taiwan. Previously Chris worked in Shanghai, Kunming and Hong Kong. His writing has also been published in Quartz, Financial Times, The Atlantic and Fortune China. Chris is a fantastic storyteller, especially over a long rechao dinner.

Kathy Cheng — Consultant & Writer, Tricky Taipei

Kathy is a communications consultant and writer. After 7 years working at design agencies VSA Partners in Chicago and Smart Design in New York, she moved back to Taipei in 2014. Here, she writes the culture and design blog Tricky Taipei, and runs an online gift platform, Thankful Registry. In her spare time, she works as a consultant with Taiwanese companies and bakes Australian-style scones.

Tricky Talks: The Holiday Event with Special Guest Ian Chang of Kavalan
活動時間:2018-12-11 (二) 18:30 ~ 22:00
地點:106台北市大安區安和路二段92號 (GO92志業辦公室)

18:30 Doors Open (grab a drink and some food!)
19:00 Panel Discussion in English
20:30 Irene Chen Performs
Early Purchase: 700 NT
Regular: 950 NT

報名方式:Tricky Talks: The Holiday Event! Dec 11 with Ian Chang from Kavalan (ENGLISH EVENT)
活動詳情請洽:Tricky Taipei

資料提供:Tricky Talks

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